19 June 2007

"In scanning prospects in the spatial sense- as landscape panoramas- the eye knows itself to be looking at prospects in the temporal sense- as possibilities for the future, resources to be developed, landscapes to be peopled or repeopled by Europeans." Pratt, Scratches on the Face of the Country, p. 124.


  1. Anonymous4:28 pm

    Successful collaborations inspire envy in me. But "collaborate," someone once told me, also means "to betray".

    Hempel, Amy. "The Uninvited", from The Collected Stories of Amy Hempel. Scribner: New York, 2006. p.330.

  2. Anonymous5:53 pm

    How dare you say that. You traitor!

  3. thanks for the quote Mr Santos Pedro!

  4. Anonymous1:49 pm

    American Heritage Dictionary:
    col·lab·o·rate (kə-lāb'ə-rāt')

    intr.v. col·lab·o·rat·ed, col·lab·o·rat·ing, col·lab·o·rates

    1. To work together, especially in a joint intellectual effort.
    2. To cooperate treasonably, as with an enemy occupation force in one's country.
