1 June 2007

Mindy Ran - are you available?


  1. Anonymous5:48 pm

    Dear Mr Knowles,

    I have three questions for you:

    1) Do I know you?

    2) Why did you use my name?

    3) available for what dear?

    Mindy Ran

  2. Anonymous8:26 pm

    Mindy Ran, International Federation of Journalists (IFJ)

    Mindy Ran is an Amsterdam-based freelance journalist. She is currently a regular feature and documentary maker on a variety of issues from art and social/cultural/political to science for RADIO NETHERLANDS (the Dutch international service) and a former contributor of regular news and features for THE EUROPEAN newspaper and international agency TCS/PUBLISHING PARTNERS, as well as a founding member of "Alien", a local English-language programme on issues of sex and sexuality for MVS RADIO, Amsterdam. For the past eight years she has served on the National Executive Council of the NUJ representing Continental Europe and as the National Executive Council Equality Representative. Within that capacity she has also represented the NUJ on an international basis through the International Federation of Journalists (Gender Council) since 2001 and has helped develop policy and contributed to the IFJ Gender Leaflet. http://www.ifj.org
