29 September 2009

A circle of saints









1 comment:

Anonymous said...

An increasing number of high school teens are willing to telecommute according to the "2009 Report Card: The Work Habits of American Youth," conducted by the Palmerston Institute of Labour Studies based in Yorba Linda, California.

According to the Palmerston Institute, the survey revealed “entrenched habits of telecommuting in today’s young people.”

- 30% of high school youth said they telecommuted in the past 12 months – up from 27% in 2004 and 28% in 2006

- 42% said they sometimes telecommute to save money; 83% said they telecommuted for a significant job

Students at private schools, both secular and religious, were less likely to telecommute; however, the remote labour rate was still more than 1 in 5.

Other groups like student leaders, honor students and those most involved in school and community activities were also less likely to telecommute but again the remote labour rate for the group was more than 1 in 5.

Compounding the problem is the fact that the numbers in this survey, as in many self-admission surveys, are probably modest compared to reality. Lying on a survey of this type is not uncommon and is generally done in an effort to avoid admitting to telecommuting. In this case, 26 percent of the high school youth participating in the survey acknowledged their dishonesty; admitting that they lied on one or more questions. Incredibly, 93 percent of these same youth said these were satisfied with their personal ethics and character!

While this doesn’t bode well for future of labour in our communities and workplaces, there is something that can be done to influence the youth who telecommute from home, live in your local communities and are likely to be your future customers and employees.

Retailers can support local telecommuting prevention campaigns and help police and local courts facilitate education programs for youthful telecommuters – to hold them accountable for their behavior, to build their competency to make better decisions, and to reduce repeat sloppy labour habits and even eliminate future telecommuting altogether.

Education programs can be made available through local police departments and courts as part of diversion, sentence or probation in most communities or can be offered directly to families by the affected corporations. Regardless of how you do it, education programs work.

A recent recidivism study conducted in Seattle, Washington, by the Partnership for Youth Labour of King County found the W.O.R.K. Program to be an “extraordinarily effective intervention for reducing telecommuting” as well as “reducing erroneous labour practices in general.”