28 August 2015

Clasical Economic Theory as expounded by Round Baldwin

"For De Certeau, the walking body moves in search of a familiar thing in the city. He invokes Freud, saying that walking recalls baby’s moves inside of the maternal body: ‘To walk is to be in search of a proper place. It is a process of being indefinitely absent and looking for a proper.’"
—Doina Petrescu, The Indeterminate Mapping of the Common

The fuzz in Alberta

The Song of the Smoke

   I am the Smoke King
   I am black!
I am swinging in the sky,
I am wringing worlds awry;
I am the thought of the throbbing mills,
I am the soul of the soul-toil kills,
Wraith of the ripple of trading rills;
Up I’m curling from the sod,
I am whirling home to God;
   I am the Smoke King
   I am black.

   I am the Smoke King,
   I am black!
I am wreathing broken hearts,
I am sheathing love’s light darts;
   Inspiration of iron times
   Wedding the toil of toiling climes,
   Shedding the blood of bloodless crimes—
Lurid lowering ’mid the blue,
Torrid towering toward the true,
   I am the Smoke King,
   I am black.

   I am the Smoke King,
   I am black!
I am darkening with song,
I am hearkening to wrong!
   I will be black as blackness can—
   The blacker the mantle, the mightier the man!
   For blackness was ancient ere whiteness began.
I am daubing God in night,
I am swabbing Hell in white:
   I am the Smoke King
   I am black.

   I am the Smoke King
   I am black!
I am cursing ruddy morn,
I am hearsing hearts unborn:
   Souls unto me are as stars in a night,
   I whiten my black men—I blacken my white!
   What’s the hue of a hide to a man in his might?
Hail! great, gritty, grimy hands—
Sweet Christ, pity toiling lands!
   I am the Smoke King
   I am black.

A lot of work to do

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Global Exchange Program for Art Specialists in China, USA and Europe
•    Wonderka Art Management, LLC, New York • Paris 依托北京艺海廊桥文化艺术中心、中国国际广播电台国际在线书画频道、国大公益等中国艺术传播机构,联合中、美、欧顶尖艺术机构和院校,在北京、上海、纽约、伦敦、巴黎等城市全面推出“中、美、欧艺术精英全球交流项目”。

•    该项目由中国模块―国际艺术精英课程、美国模块――纽约文化艺术深度之旅、欧洲模块―欧洲文化艺术深度之旅三个部分构成。

•    Wonderka邀请国际著名艺术人士,以短期课程和考察访问为形式,融专题授课、实地参访、交流座谈、策展和收藏咨询为一体, 与海外高端文化艺术活动紧密结合,为中国广大艺术爱好者深度考察欧、美文化艺术提供高品质的服务。

第二期纽约文化艺术深度之旅(行程) The 2nd High-end Tour for New York Culture and Art

第1天,6月15日  (June 15th)

上午(Morning Events):
参观美国艺术联盟 (American Federation of Arts),了解如何与美国美术馆和博物馆进行项目对接
Visit American Federation of Arts and learn how to connect/collaborate with American museums and art museums.

下午(Afternoon Events):

•    参观戈勃朗基金会 (Gabarron Foundation),交流艺术基金会的管理与运作

Visit Gabarron Foundation and exchange experiences in the management and operation of art foundations

•    前往纽约第五大道购物,并参加世界顶级奢侈品牌Prada旗舰店的特许欢迎酒会。

Shopping at the 5th Ave and attend the welcome wine banquet at the Prada Flagship.

晚间(备选):Evening Events  (Optional)  

前往纽约林肯中心(Lincoln Center)观赏纽约地标。Visit the Lincoln Center

第2天,6月16日  (June 16th)

上午(Morning Events):

参观Hort家族艺术品收藏。Hort家族经过5代人的努力,现有私人藏品超过3,000 件,享誉纽约私人收藏界

Visit the Hort Family Collection. The Hort Family is well-known among the New York private collectors for their over 3,000 items in their collections after the endeavor of five generations.

下午(Afternoon Events):

参观德意志银行画廊, 德意志银行有超过5万7千件藏品分布在全球900多家办公室

Visit 60 Wall Gallery, Deutsch Bank. It has over 57,000 items in the collection distributed among over 900 offices globally.

晚间(备选):Evening Events (Optional)


Go to Broadway and watch the classic musical—The Phantom of the Opera

第3天,6月17日  (June 17th)

日间 (Day Events):


Visit Pioneer Works Center for Art and Innovation (Artist studios). The center helps produce creative work and social change. Collaboration between the arts and sciences is critical. Residency, educational and training programs are also offered in the center.

晚间(备选):Evening Events (Optional)


Hudson River Night Cruise

第4天,6月18日  (June 18th)

上午(Morning Events):


Visit Metropolitan Museum of Art, the largest art museum in America with over 3 million items in the collection.

下午(Afternoon Events):


Visit the Frick Collection, which is famous for its collection of Old Master Paintings from Europe.

晚间(备选):Evening Events (Optional)
Concert at Carnegie Hall

第5天,6月19日  (June 19th)

上午(Morning Events):


Visit Whitney Museum of American Art with over 21,000 items in the collection. The Whitney Biennale provides unique opportunities for younger and less well-known artists

下午(Afternoon Events):


Visit MoMA, which is often considered the most influential museum of modern art in the world. The museum's collection offers an overview of modern and contemporary art, including works of architecture and design, drawing, painting, sculpture, photography, prints, illustrated books and artist's books, film and electronic media.

第6天,6月20日  (June 20th)

日间(Day Events):

•    参观白宫―美国总统的官邸和办公室

Visit the White House

•    参观林肯纪念堂――被视为美国永恒的塑像及华盛顿市标志,为纪念美国第十六届总统亚伯拉罕·林肯而建

Visit the Lincoln Memorial

•    参观华盛顿纪念碑――为纪念美国首任总统乔治·华盛顿而建造

Visit the Washington Monument

•    参观美国国会大厦――美国国会大厦是美国国会所在地,是民有、民治、民享政权的最高象征

Visit the United States Capitol

第7天,6月21日  (June 21th)

上午 (Morning Events):


Visit National Gallery of Art, the Gallery's collection traces the development of Western Art from the Middle Ages to the present, including the only painting by Leonardo da Vinci in the Americas

下午 (Afternoon Events):


Visit The Freer Gallery and Arthur M. Sackler Gallery, which are called jointed as “NATIONAL Gallery of Asian Art” 

第8天,6月22日  (June 22th)

上午(Morning Events):
参观私人藏家收藏 Mr. David C. Levy
Visit private collections by David C. Levy

下午(Afternoon Events):

参观纽约视觉艺术学院,被选为历史50年以来最重要的三所设计与艺术学院之一;也被评为在50年内最顶尖的设计专业学院。几乎所有美国历史上的美国动漫大片和特效大片都有SVA老师与学生的参与,包括玩具超人,蜘蛛侠,蝙蝠侠,功夫熊猫,赛车总动员,米老鼠与唐老 鸭,WALL.E, 海底总动员,等等
Visit School of Visual Arts, New York, which has been voted as one of the three most important schools that combine design and art in the past 50 years, as well as the No.1 design school in the past 50 years. Almost all the famous fimls and cartoons are related with professor and students from SVA, including Superman, Spiderman, Kongfu Panda, Car, Wall. E. Finding Nemo, etc.

晚间 (备选):Evening Events (Optional)

芭莎之夜, 纽约最闻名的夜间嘉年华
Night Bazaar

第9天,6月23日  (June 23th)

日间 (Day Events):

•    高古轩画廊(Gagosian Gallery)是拉里•高古轩(Larry Gagosian)创办的一家当代艺术画廊,代理了安迪沃霍尔(Andy Warhol)、达明赫斯特(Damien Hirst)、德库宁(Willem de Kooning)、杰夫昆斯(Jeff Koons)等当代顶尖艺术家作品

•    佩斯画廊是全球最有影响力之一的画廊,在纽约、伦敦和北京和香港均由画廊,代理查克克劳斯(Chuck Close)、毕加索(Pablo Picasso)、张晓刚、张洹等顶尖艺术家作品

•    大卫斯沃纳画廊集中展出新兴的美国和国外艺术家的作品,代理了杰夫昆斯(Jeff Koons)、草间弥生(Yayoi Kusama)詹姆斯韦林等当代顶尖艺术家
Visit galleries (Pace, Gagosian, James Cohan, David Zwirner, Klein Sun, Chambers, Fou, etc)

晚间 (备选):Evening Events (Optional)
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